What happens to every one after the best ending? (2025)



case scenerio :
The Mimiga population is endangered. Quote shot up a bunch of frenzied Mimiga on the way to the Crown. It's unlikely, but the rest of the Mimiga could have been sent to the surface already to begin to cause havoc...

With the destruction of the Core and Ballos though they would revert to their harmless forms, and probably be rounded up and captured by whoever they were attacking. Or just stranded on the surface, assuming that's where all the Mimiga went.

In this case, it's possible the Island could be revisited by the countries of the world. Maybe a small scout party to determine recent events. And if they find out about the Sakamotos, I'm sure they will be questioned. Depending on if the Sakamotos have permission to seek out the island, IF the countries still are keeping tabs on the island; or if there's some other reason why they decided to leave it alone... If the truth comes out, how close they came to a repeat of the War... I'm sure the Sakamoto family may be in some hot water.

The other island inhabitants and creatures will slowly start to repopulate / heal up, depending on how killer Quote was in his journey... Nurse Hasumi and Doctor Kero will be busy fixing up the labyrinth D:

It's unclear about Jenka's dogs. Were they stomped by Balrog during Cave Story? Or do they just not show up in the epilogue pictures? In either case, a new litter is born! [Or reborn?] Mysteriously, Prof. Booster goes to visit Jenka... I'm unclear as to why...

Misery now finally freed from the Demon Crown will have some tough decisions to make... To stick with the island and succeed Jenka? Or maybe to resume whatever plot brought on the need for the Demon Crown's creation in the first place... Will she give up her designs? Or will ambition grow anew after some time passes?

Ballos is hopefully totally gone now. With his body destroyed and nothing to sustain his wild magic, hopefully it will dissipate. But, the Doctor did prove one could exist without a body... or that one could possess alternate bodies... So, I'm at least concerned if there are any traces left. We can only hope that Ballos' prison was designed to neutralize the magic with the body gone. And that the destruction brought on by Quote's battle / Balrog's entrance and exit didn't do anything to break that prison...

The Core was destroyed... but I'd like to think the little Cores live on and keep the island floating!

Also Little Man was taken away with Quote, Curly and Balrog to a very lovely island. WTFstory?!
[Hmm... is Little Man in WTFStory? Seems like we've forgotten an essential minority



That's all folks... for now...

Im just wonder what if humans came back to the island and tried to use the mimigas as weapons of mass destruction. Plus what happens to Balrog, Misery, Jenka, Quote&Curly, and Sue and her family?

I *think* it depends on if Ballos is destroyed and if the Demon Crown is truly gone. Without the Demon Crown, there is no way to control frenzied mimigas. And without a big core there shouldn't be any frenzied Mimigas anyway.
For various reasons I assume the red flowers are a product of Ballos' corruptive magic... So assuming he's gone, I dunno if they will continue to exist, or have power... It's unclear...

Here's my take on worst case :
If Ballos is defeated but his taint continues to infect the island, without a prison to contain it. Then perhaps red flowers could bloom across the island and affect the islands wildlife. And if the Doctor is not completely eliminated, then there's a chance he might begin to return and possess something... Though without the Demon Crown, I don't know if he will have the same sanity that he did and ability to control the wild magic.
How do you get rid of a virus? Something that has no body? Will it die out on its own? Or will it just continue to spread as it finds hosts? Misery WAS mutated for a short period... And we saw how just one host body can cause such havoc [Ballos]. So if wild magic were to start to affect Misery...?

It's late, time to sleep~

EDIT: What if the Doctor's work on the Red Crystal is just a taste of the troubles that could come. A world where wild magic is able to affect even humans D: What if the Doctor put something into motion before his sudden demise?

What happens to every one after the best ending? (2025)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.